2.1 Scientific Issues
The primary motivation for TRACE-P is
the rapid industrialization presently taking place in Asia. Energy
use, principally fossil fuel combustion, in eastern Asia has increased
substantially over the past decade and it, NOx, and
other pollutants, are expected to continue to increase as development
proceeds. This presents a unique opportunity to observe the time-dependent
atmospheric impact of what is essentially an ongoing major industrial
revolution. Long-term observations from ground sites and satellites
can provide continuous monitoring of the temporal trend of atmospheric
composition but are limited in spatial coverage (in the case of
ground sites) or in the suite of species measurable (in the case
of satellites). Focused aircraft missions complement surface and
satellite observations by providing detailed investigations of
the dynamical and chemical processes affecting atmospheric composition
over rather broad geographical regions.
The March-April flight period for TRACE-P was
selected after consideration of several factors [Jacob
et al., 1999]. Spring
is the season of maximum Asian outflow over the north Pacific,
due to a combination of active convection over the continent and
the presence of persistently strong westerlies. In summer, deep
convection often exports Asian air to the upper troposphere above
12 km, while outflow at lower altitudes in that season is deflected
to polar latitudes by the circulation around the Pacific High.
In winter, a significant fraction of the Asian outflow may head
south rather than east. Spring affords the best opportunity to
not only sample Asian outflow, but also the emissions associated
with biomass burning from the northern tropics (as indicated by
a March-May maximum in tropospheric ozone measured over Hong Kong).
Long-range transport of Asian dust over the north Pacific is also
at a maximum in spring. Photochemistry over the western Pacific
is active from February to March, and intensifies with the advance
of the spring season.
2.2 Previous Related Missions
The GTE PEM-West
A and B missions examined the impact of natural and human
activities on the chemistry of the troposphere over the northwestern
Pacific Ocean from 10˚N to 50˚N. PEM-West A was conducted
in August-September 1991 and PEM-West B in February-March 1994.
Important meteorological differences between these two seasons
include the position and strength of the Japan Jet, and the location
of the Pacific High [Merrill et al., 1997]. During August-September
(PEM-West A), the Japan Jet is weaker and shifted north compared
to February-March (PEM-West B). The Pacific High is at its northernmost
and easternmost position during August-September, impeding continental
outflow and enhancing inflow of marine air to the western Pacific
from the south particularly at low altitudes. In PEM-West A,
this southerly flow was accompanied by extensive vertical mixing
along a typhoon storm track oriented parallel to the Asian coast;
continental outflow was largely confined to north of 40˚N.
PEM-West B experienced stronger and faster continental outflow
over an extended range of latitudes, principally below 5 km due
to weak convection over eastern Asia in winter. Blake et al.
[1997] found higher mixing ratios of continental hydrocarbons
and halocarbons during PEM-West B than A, especially at low altitudes,
and similar observations were made for acidic gases [Talbot et
al., 1997]. The composition of the hydrocarbon mix indicated
a more recent origin for the continental outflow in PEM-West
The strong Asian outflow during PEM-West B had
a major influence on the regional ozone budget over the western
Pacific. Photochemical model calculations by Crawford et al. [1997]
showed net ozone production taking place at all altitudes, in contrast
to PEM-West A where net loss at low altitudes balanced net production
at higher altitudes. PEM-West B marked the first time that net
ozone production has been found to take place in the lower marine
troposphere. That this condition was observed in late winter/early
spring further emphasizes the critical role of fast transport of
ozone precursors from the Asian continent. Calculated rates of
increase in the tropospheric ozone column during PEM-West B were
as large as 2% per day south of 30N and 1% per day to the north.
An important implication of the rapid transport observed during
PEM-West B is that the photochemical activity of the continental
outflow remained strong even after several days of travel time
over the ocean.
The initial findings were published in the Journal
of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres in January 1996 (PEM-West
A) and in December 1997 (PEM-West B). The data can be accessed
directly from the GTE ftp site (ftp://ftp-gte.larc.nasa.gov/pub/)
or through the GTE Web Site (http://www-gte.larc.nasa.gov)
using the "Data Archive" hot link. Data can also be
accessed from the Langley DAAC Web Site (http://eosweb.larc.nasa.gov)
through the "Access Data" then "Data Accessible
from the Web" hot links. The GTE ftp and GTE web sites provide
data files for individual investigations, on a flight-by-flight
basis, while the DAAC site provides a single file of all the
data from all investigators, on a flight-by-flight basis. Data
from ozonesonde launches during PEM-West B are also available
on the GTE ftp site.
2.3 Concurrent Missions
TRACE-P will be collaborating with the following
concurrent missions. Specific
details of these collaborations are given in the formal signed
agreements, which are included in Appendix M.
2.3.1 ACE-Asia
Aerosol Chemistry Experiment – Asia (ACE-Asia) campaign will
take place in early spring, 2001. The overall goal of ACE-Asia
is to reduce the uncertainty in climate forcing caused by aerosols
over Eastern Asia and the Northwest Pacific and to develop a
quantitative understanding of the multi-phase gas/aerosol particle/cloud
system. To achieve this goal, the ACE-Asia Program as a whole
will pursue three specific objectives. The first objective is
to determine the physical, chemical, and radiative properties
of the major aerosol types in the Eastern Asia and Northwest
Pacific region and investigate the relationships among these
properties. The second is to quantify the physical and chemical
processes controlling the evolution of the major aerosol types
and in particular of their physical, chemical, and radiative
properties. The last objective is to develop procedures to extrapolate
aerosol properties and processes from local to regional and global
scales, and assess the regional direct and indirect radiative
forcing by aerosols in the Eastern Asia and Northwest Pacific
region. There
is the possibility of several joint aircraft flights with TRACE-P
and data exchange is planned.
The Biomass
Burning and Lightning Experiment (BIBLE) Phase C is scheduled
to conduct measurements in the Western Pacific during December
2000 which will provide data supplemental to the TRACE-P
mission. The Japanese
Earth Observation Research Center (EORC), National Space Development
Agency of Japan (NASDA), will conduct BIBLE. The goal of
BIBLE is to study tropospheric chemistry (natural and anthropogenic
processes) in the tropical Asia/Pacific region. Measurements
of ozone, ozone precursors and other photochemical quantities
will be made aboard a Gulfstream
II aircraft. In
addition, BIBLE Phase C will be making measurements of lightning
over the Western Pacific during the ferry flights to and from
Northern Australia and Indonesia. The Pacific Exploration of
Asian Continental Emission (PEACE) mission, also conducted
by EORC/NASDA, will take place in January 2002 and will also
provide data supplemental to TRACE-P. Using
the Gulfstream-II aircraft mentioned above, PEACE will make
measurements of the seasonal excursion of the continental outflow
from Asia. Data
exchange is planned.
2.3.3 MOPITT
The exchange of data between TRACE-P and MOPITT
(aboard the TERRA satellite) will benefit both parties by making
MOPITT data available to TRACE-P for mission planning and TRACE-P
data available to MOPITT for mission validation purposes. TRACE-P
requests the MOPITT level 2 CO daily maps for the TRACE-P mission
area. This data will be used for mission planning only. In
turn, NASA will make TRACE-P available early to MOPITT staff for
instrument validation purposes. Any
other use of the TRACE-P data will conform to the constraints of
the TRACE-P Data Protocol (see Section
The National
Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS)
Aircraft Sounder Testbed (NAST) is a technology demonstration instrument
flown on high altitude aircraft and developed to reduce risk associated
with future NPOESS satellite instruments whose purpose will be
to improve operational weather forecasts. TRACE-P
and the NAST Asian Pacific experiment will derive mutual benefit
from having a cooperative agreement between the two Science Teams. Per the agreement, the two Science Teams will share flight
planning products during the mission expeditions when possible,
to design coordinated joint flights, and to share post-mission
data. Field data may
be freely shared between the two Science Teams for designing and
evaluating joint flights during the execution of the missions. These
data are not to be used for publication. The
TRACE-P and NAST data may be shared prior to public release provided
that the TRACE-P and NAST investigator(s) have agreed to abide
by each other’s data protocols.
University of Washington
The University
of Washington and Dr. Daniel Jaffe, Professor, are planning
8-10 profiles from a small aircraft (Beechcraft
Duchess) platform during the spring 2001, coinciding with
the TRACE-P/ACE-Asia time period. Flights
will be timed to optimize the likelihood of observing trans-Pacific
transport of pollutants as well as identify air masses, which
were sampled, by one of the TRACE-P aircraft. Flight
decisions will be made using all available meteorological,
chemical forecast, and satellite data. The
profiles will be conducted just off the coast Washington state,
under a generally western regime to at least 20,000 feet. Aircraft
measurements will include in situ ozone, in situ sub-micron
aerosol scattering coefficient, and CO and NMHCs in canisters
(8-10 per flight). In
addition, Dr. Jaffe will be making ground-based observations
at Cheeka Peak. These
observations include CO, O3, NOy, NMHCs, aerosol
scatter, and aerosol chemical composition. Data
exchange between TRACE-P and the University of Washington is
planned and will conform to the constraints of the TRACE-P
Data Protocol (see Section
Other Collaborative Efforts
section lists other collaborative efforts, which will contribute
to the TRACE-P mission. Additional
details are provided in the formal, signed agreements with the
following agencies (see Appendix M).
European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts will provide
meteorological products to TRACE-P (through MIT) from January
9, 2001 to April 12, 2001. Products
that will be provided include forecast data on model levels (60). The
forecast data includes U and V wind components, vertical velocity,
temperature, specific humidity, ozone mass mixing ratio, and
Ln surface pressure (single level). Forecasts are from 12 UTC
with time steps of T+12, +24, +36, +48, +60, and +72. Analysis data on model levels (60) include the forecast data
products listed above as well as orography (single level) at
00 and 12 UTC. Analysis
of surface data will also be provided at 00 and 12 UTC. Surface
data products include surface pressure, soil temperature, 10
meter U and V wind components, 2 meter temperature and dew point,
mean sea level, orography, land/sea mask, surface sensible heat
flux, surface latent heat flux, surface solar radiation, top
solar radiations, top thermal radiation, east/west surface stress,
north/south surface stress, and total cloud cover. TRACE-P will provide lidar-based ozone profiles in exchange.
Hong Kong Observatory
Kong Observatory (HKO) and TRACE-P will both benefit from
collaboration related to the TRACE-P mission. NASA ‘s
responsibilities include: providing balloon-borne ozonesondes
and balloons at no charge to HKO as required to meet the enhanced
launch schedule, provide HKO with access to the TRACE-P mission
data as requested by HKO and following the data protocol established
by the TRACE-P Science Team, invite HKO investigators to attend
post-campaign data workshops, and allow HKO access to data
obtained by TRACE-P Principal Investigators. In
turn, HKO will use reasonable efforts to do the following: launch
ozonesondes at a rate of one per week beginning at the completion
of this agreement until May 2002 and at a rate of two per week
during the six weeks of the TRACE-P mission; provide balloon
inflation gases; record the resulting data in NASA designated
format and make the database accessible to the world in a timely
manner; provide copies of the resulting data to NASA as soon
as possible, but not later than three months after each launch;
and participate in post-campaign data workshops.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Kong Polytechnic University and Dr. Tao Wang will carry out
measurements over a two-month period coinciding with the TRACE-P
mission at the HKPU atmospheric research station at Hok Tsui
and make the data available to the TRACE-P Science Team. Measurements
taken will include ozone (surface and column), CO, NO, NOy, SO2,
radon, NMHCs, halons, and C1-C2 alkyl nitrate
(canister samples collected at a rate of 1-4 per day during the
TRACE-P flight), aerosols (mass concentration and full chemical
composition at a rate of 1-2 per day during the flight period),
and auxiliary meteorological measurements (UV-B, wind direction
and speed, temperature, and relative humidity). NASA
will make all of the TRACE-P data available to HKPU within the
constraints of the TRACE-P Data Protocol (see Section
Tao Wang is invited to participate in TRACE-P data workshops,
Science team meetings in Hong Kong. The
possibility of Dr. Tao Wang flying aboard a NASA aircraft during
the mission is being explored.
Japan Meteorological Agency
requests the following from the Atmospheric Environment Division
of the Japan
Meteorological Agency (JMA): data
at all levels from the JMA ozonesonde stations at Sapporo, Tsukuba,
Naha (Okinawa), and Kagoshima beginning as soon as possible through
October 2001; a digital copy of the ozonesonde and total ozone
data from the four stations for approximately the past 10 years;
CO2, CH4, CO, and surface ozone data from
the JMA Greenhouse Gas stations at Ryori, Yonagunijima, and Minamitorishima
a few months after the early April 2001 completion of TRACE-P;
and the GMS image data discussed during Professor Reginald Newell’s
visit to Dr. Uchino in June 2000. NASA will make all TRACE-P data available to JMA within the
constraints of the TRACE-P Data Protocol (see Section
6.1). All TRACE-P
publications using JMA provided data would clearly note the data
NASA GSFC Data Assimilation Office
The Data Assimilation
Office’s (DAO) mission is to advance the state of the art data
assimilation and to produce research-quality global data set for
advancing our understanding of the Earth system and global change. To
this end, DAO has been providing Data Assimilation System (DAS)
data products in support of Earth science mission activities. The
responsibilities of DAO are as follows: produce DAS meteorological
analysis and forecast products every 12 hours during the TRACE-P
mission (February 25 to April 10, 2001), design and implement all
necessary software to generate in HDF-EOS format the reduced DAS
data set for chemical tracer forecasts, provide the reduced data
set for the network transmission to the TRACE-P mission in accordance
with NASA AMES/NAS security policy, and generate the above analysis
and forecast data for a limited period in the fall 2000 as a “dry
GTE’s responsibilities
in turn include: transfer the DAS data set from the DAS site using
an agreed upon transfer mechanism that meets security requirements
at AMES/NAS, generate chemical tracer forecasts during TRACE-P
using DAS products, generate chemical tracer forecasts for the “dry
run”, restrict access to DAS products to the members of the TRACE-P
Science Team, and provide DAO with feedback on the scientific quality
of the DAS data products.
National Taiwan University, Central Weather Bureau of Taiwan
part of the APARE, National
Taiwan University (NTU) and the Central
Weather Bureau of Taiwan launch two ozonesondes per month. NASA
requests that this launch frequency be increased to one per week
from March 2000 to March 2002 and two launches per week during
TRACE-P (March 1 – April 9, 2001). In
turn NASA (or NOAA on NASA’s
behalf) will provide the additional ozonesonde systems required
to meet this enhanced frequency. NTU
and/or the Central Weather Bureau will provide the balloon inflation
gases and the resources to launch the ozonesondes, record the
data, and provide copies of the data to NASA as soon as possible
after each launch, but no later than 3 months after the launch. TRACE-P
mission data will be made available within the constraints of
the data protocol (see Section
TRACE-P will
build on the heritage of the previous GTE
PEM-West missions. The PEM-West missions were exploratory,
with multiple objectives achieved from a single aircraft. TRACE-P
will provide a considerably more extensive characterization of
the Asian outflow to allow for quantitative interpretation. In
addition, TRACE-P will take advantage of numerous developments
in aircraft instrumentation over the past decade including in particular
measurements of HOx, NOx, sulfur, species,
aerosols, and UV actinic fluxes. Ten years will have elapsed between
PEM-West A and TRACE-P, during which Asian emissions will have
grown considerably (70% for NOx; van Aardenne et al.
[1999]). Secular change in the composition of the Asian outflow
should be apparent between the PEM-West and TRACE-P missions.
TRACE-P will continue investigation of tropospheric
chemistry in the western Pacific. It will be an airborne study
that will complement the PEM-West missions. It will be conducted
during early spring, 2000, thereby providing an opportunity to
investigate the changes in the Asian influence in the western Pacific.
The study region will range from 110˚E to 150˚E longitudes
with major deployment sites in Hong Kong and Japan. The NASA DC-8
and P-3B aircraft will be the primary measurement platforms.
Integration of aircraft, satellite, and ground-based
studies will be a defining characteristic of TRACE-P. This synthesis
will be possible because of the availability of both important
new satellite data in 2001 and complimentary data from APARE,
which will include a number of other airborne and ground-based
measurements. TRACE-P will also require a very strong coupling
between experimental investigations and modeling studies. The modeling
studies will provide critical tools for detailed flight planning,
in-field, quick-look data analysis and for post-mission data analyses.
Taken together, the full suite of measurements and modeling investigations
will enable the TRACE-P team to reach the major objectives, especially
when combined with large-scale models capable of integrating the
ground-based, aircraft-based, and satellite-borne data. The
nominal transit flight tracks for the DC-8 and P-3B aircraft during
TRACE-P are shown in Figure
2.5-1. Figure
2.5-2 shows the local flights based out of the intensive sites.
Figure 2.5-1 TRACE-P Nominal
Aircraft Transit Flight Tracks

Figure 2.5-2 TRACE-P Nominal
Aircraft Local Flight Tracks

2.5.1 General Objectives
Reflecting our current state-of-knowledge of Asian
outflow and the western Pacific, two strongly focused scientific
objectives are defined for TRACE-P:
The first objective of TRACE-P is to identify
the major pathways for Asian outflow over the western Pacific,
and to chemically characterize the outflow in a way that provides
a basis for quantitative model analysis of export from the Asian
continent. A number of 3-D chemical tracer models have been used
in recent years to examine Asian influence on global atmospheric
composition (see references in the TRACE-P white paper). TRACE-P
will provide the information needed to test these models. We expect
the Asian chemical outflow over the western Pacific to represent
a complicated superposition of contributions from different Asian
source regions and from long-range transport of European and North
American pollution. The Asian emissions themselves represent a
mix of contributions from fossil fuel combustion, other industrial
activities, biomass burning, vegetation sources, and soil dust.
Scavenging of soluble aerosols and gases during wet convective
transport out of the boundary layer modifies the composition of
the outflow, and unusually strong stratosphere-troposphere exchange
around the Japanese jet further complicates the interpretation
of the outflow. The use of two aircraft in TRACE-P will allow the
sampling of a range of Asian outflow pathways in different regions
and at different altitudes, as is needed to support quantitative
analyses of export from the Asian continent.
The second major objective of TRACE-P is to better understand
the chemical evolution of the Asian outflow over the west Pacific,
focusing on tropospheric O3 and aerosols. The processes
involved in this evolution include photochemistry, heterogeneous
chemistry, gas-to-particle conversion, aerosol growth, scavenging,
and subsidence to the marine boundary layer followed by rapid removal
of some species by deposition. Different patterns of evolution
are expected depending on the direction of outflow (tropics vs.
high latitudes); the altitude (boundary layer vs. free troposphere);
the presence of soil dust, soot, or other chemically active aerosols
in the outflow; and the contributions from natural sources including
lightning and stratospheric intrusions. Previous studies (see references
in the TRACE-P white paper) have pointed out that strong UV radiation
and heterogeneous chemistry involving dust aerosols may play an
important role in modifying the chemical composition of the Asian
outflow over the western Pacific. A strong integration of TRACE-P
aircraft and ground-based data, with data from satellites, and
data from other APARE projects, such as ACE-Asia,
will be essential to enable the analytical studies needed to address
this objective.
2.5.2 Specific Tasks
Within the framework of these general objectives,
five specific tasks are identified:
1. To identify and quantify the contributions
to Asian outflow from industrial sources in Asia, Europe, and
North America, as well as from biomass burning sources in Southeast
Asia and northern Africa.
2. To demonstrate the potential for synergistic
integration of aircraft and satellite observations, together
with three-dimensional models, to quantify the chemical outflow
from a major continental source region.
3. To determine the importance of natural
processes (lightening, stratospheric down welling) contributing
to the Asian outflow.
4. To understand the long-range transport
and chemical aging of Asian pollution over the North Pacific,
and to assess the implications for global influence and for intercontinental
transport of pollutants.
5. To determine the role of heterogeneous chemistry
in controlling the chemical evolution of the Asian outflow over
the Pacific.
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